Summer Pool Maintenance Tips

Now that summer is in full swing, you are likely noticing several different types of things going on with your pool. This is because common pool issues occur seasonally due to specific conditions and factors associated with each time of year and summer is a heavy season of problems due to increased swimmer load. For that very reason, pools require adjustments to their maintenance schedules and routines to address these varying issues. Here, the professional team at Blue Water has put together a short checklist of common summertime maintenance activities that you should incorporate into your routine to ensure a great swimming season.

Manual Cleaning

Even though you find yourself outside scrubbing the walls and skimming leaves or debris from your pool all year round, it is especially critical to do so in the summer when algae has the tendency to bloom quickly and dramatically. Try to work in at least two scrubbing sessions each week along and thoroughly remove any floating or suspended debris. This is also a good time to inspect and empty your skimmer baskets.

Chemical Treatment

During the summer it is also important to be more vigilant about maintaining adequate chlorine levels to avoid unwanted algae and other water quality issues. Both the intense summer sun and increased level of pool use quickly use up available free chlorine by either evaporating it into the air, or binding it with free floating organic material from swimmers. Granular chlorine products work well to shock your water’s chlorine supplies. Just a reminder, it is always best to shock your pool at night so that the levels have an opportunity to diminish to at least 3 part per million before swimmers jump back in.

Increased Pump Time

During the summer in Arizona, it is recommended you run your pump system up to 10 hours each day. This increased circulation will keep contaminants like dirt, sunblock, and other skin products out of the pool and help to keep your filtr

Summer is obviously the busiest time of year so it stands to reason that maintenance routines will need to be stepped up to keep up with the heavier usage of your pool. If things start to get away from you, Blue Water has a great pool cleaning program offering unmatched service in the greater Phoenix area. Visit our website for more details.